Vibe is a well known top R&B music magazine. this magazine represents media language through masthead, main image, main cover lines and cover lines. it is clear to the audience that it is a well known magazine becks the masthead is slightly covered by the main image.
This shows that people don't need to see the name of the magazine to know what it is. The word vibe can be associated with music this also represents the fact it is a music magazine. vibe also use vibrant colour's to catch the readers eye. the main image in the particular magazine is akon, but in all of vibes magazines they use well known successful artists.
They do this because the know the audience will want to read about them. In alot of vibes magazines the main image takes up alot of the front cover. In this image akon is pointing towards you, this is done to draw the reader in making them think its them who should read it.
The main cover line is also about akon. this gives information about what is inside the magazine. as you can see the akon and hit are in bold these words jump out at the reader to catch the eye and make them want to read more.
the ideology of this magazine is vibe. the purpose it to give information about the world or R&B music.